Our school

Quality Teaching & Learning


Our daily literacy block at Scottsdale Primary is dedicated to spelling, reading and writing. The spelling program is an inquiry approach, teaching students how words are put together, their meaning and origin, how letter patterns make different sounds and how to use various spelling rules and patterns. Reading is explicitly taught at all levels and grades and focuses on comprehension strategies, fluency, vocabulary, phonological awareness, oral language and phonics. In writing students are explicitly taught the various text types.

Two boys reading


Our daily numeracy block is dedicated to number and algebra, measurement, statistics and probability and mental computations. Students use problem solving skills and creative and critical thinking to complete numeracy tasks individually, in small groups and in whole class situations. The whole school approach utilises the Stepping Stones resource and Mangahigh.

Group of boys sitting on a kerb


Science, Humanities and Social Sciences [Geography and History] are studied through five week Inquiry cycles. Science is a means of expanding their curiosity and willingness to explore, ask questions about and speculate on the changing world in which they live. In HASS we instil a sense of wonder, curiosity and respect about places, people, cultures and systems throughout the world, past and present, and encourage an interest in and enjoyment of the study of these phenomena.



This will become a major focus next year with the introduction of a digital technology program. This will include coding and programming using blue bots, edisons and WeDOs. As students become competent using the technology more items will be purchased and introduced.

3 Girls using computers


Students at Scottsdale Primary have the opportunity to learn a musical instruments of their choice. We have a very popular junior and senior choir group who perform at various events, assemblies and productions throughout the year. Students also have the opportunity to join the school band.

Children playing musical instruments

Student Leadership

Student Leadership Council – Each year students elect a president, vice president, treasurer, secretary, publicity officer and a male and female House Captain to make up the leadership team. Their duties include fundraising for charities and school projects and consistently promoting school values.

Opportunities also exist for students to become involved in activities in and around the school such as peer tutoring, peer mentoring, breakfast club monitors, chair committee members.

Grade Assembly

Student representative council

Two students are elected as representatives for their class at the beginning of terms 1 and 3. These young leaders relay meeting outcomes to their classes, assist with fundraising activities and assist with the positive promotion of the school values.

Side of School

Sporting carnival

The school holds three major sporting carnivals throughout the year.

During first term a swimming and athletics carnival are held, with second term conducting a cross country carnival.

Scottsdale has two sporting houses – Lisle (Red) and Lyndhurst (Yellow). Students aspire to win house points at each of the carnivals.

Children playing hopscotch

North East Primary School Sports Association (NEPSSA)

All four primary schools in the North East form the North East Primary School Sports Association (NEPSSA) which hold a wide range of sporting activities throughout the year. Students aspire to compete in various carnivals throughout the year. First and second term sees our students compete against the other North East schools in swimming, athletics and cross country. Successful students in athletics and cross country then represent the North East in combined teams against the East Coast Schools.

Talented athletic students and cross country athletes also have the opportunity to compete as a combined East North East team against other schools throughout the state. Other competitive competitions include representative teams for netball, football (both boys and girls), soccer, hockey and cricket which are played in two day carnivals in Launceston.

Participation gala days are held in terms two and three in the sports of netball, football and hockey with other one day activities for soccer and cricket. Every year a dance event is held for Kinder students through to grade 2 and every second year the grade 3 – 6 students also join in. Every second year primary students participate in a Community gala day where they play sports like bowling, fishing, karate.

Ball games on oval

Enrichment Programs

MEG – Maths Extension Groups
Maths Extension classes are offered to students 3-6 who excel in the area of maths. These groups provide opportunities for students to extend and further develop their problem solving and thinking strategies.

Reward Program
Every second Friday students who have followed the behaviour matrix expectations for the fortnight are provided with an opportunity to participate in and pursue areas of personal interest.

Boy Colouring in
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